As a studio, we believe…

As a teaching community, we at Full Radiance are dedicated to the practice of yoga as a path to connecting to the heart and to our wholeness.

We believe in the inner knowing and wisdom of our intuition. We are intentionally inviting students to nourish their intuition by offering choice and self-determination in each class.

We believe in feeling into where you are in your body and where we may have been ignoring our body. We believe in cultivating a relationship with the body as an ally and an asset rather than an adversary to control or coerce.

We understand that the body is a mirror of the mind. To connect to the body in a curious and kind way is to assist the mind in being curious about its patterns and being kind to our self.

We know yoga to be more than just posture flow. We embrace the yoga of breathing, the yoga of meditation, the yoga of mudra, the yoga of stillness and rest, the yoga of mantra and sound. We embrace the yoga of self-study and yogic philosophical study.

We believe that words have power to heal as well as to limit, and we study how language can nourish belonging and inclusion.

We believe yoga should be available to everyone who wants to do it. It is part of our mission to create equitable access.

We understand how to structure a class so that many variations are offered so all bodies can feel welcomed. We don’t confuse a physically challenging pose with something inherently advanced. We believe there’s more to advanced yoga than what is done with the physical posture.

We believe that the body and mind are inherently sacred and living intelligent Presence. While we speak of them as separate things, we understand them to be ultimately One.

If this approach resonates with you, know that you are joyfully invited to come and practice. If this approach sparks curiosity, we full-heartedly welcome you.



Why Yoga?


Myth: Yoga is for white people